Friday, May 23, 2008

Summertime is finally here..

I apologize for the lack of posts the last few weeks, finals kicked me right in the nuts and I am still nursing them back to health. Once summer kicks off there will be more updates. I promise.

-B out

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Truth

What is more important in this world than the truth? Tell me this is not more factual than when you are on the receiving side of a lie...

The truth matters in the universe. This is why I do not understand people who say that there is no truth. Well obviously that statement is contradictory because they imply that that statement is true. Right? If everything is meaningless, then what I have said is meaningless, then in essence I have said nothing at all. Right?

It is amazing how much the truth matters in our everyday lives. 

Always search for the truth in whatever you do. It is the most powerful weapon on earth.

-B out

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I dont have a clever title tonight

Life goes on. With all of my friends graduatiing, and me having to find a new job for the summer, that is what I have learned over the past week. Life goes on. 

And honestly...that is the best part about it. 

No matter which way you look at it, we are never stuck in the same place for too long right? We can always look forward to the future. 

Life goes on.

We are always on the move, and we need to appreciate that for what it is, if you understand the fact that something is going to end, you can treasure it more. Take it slow. Raise your hand if 3 years ago you thought you were going to be in college forever. But your not, and it is over. And guess what? Thats ok. 

There is something big, and beautiful, and amazing, and mind blowing, just around the next turn. LIVE YOUR LIFE...and love every second of it. Because you cant take it with you when you go. 

Do a random act of kindness, make a stranger smile, ENGAGE PEOPLE! Life is to short for us to be trapped in our little world forever. 

Life goes on.
