Monday, March 31, 2008

Starting point or The Sub-Culture

    Modern Christianity has a problem. A very big problem that I cannot solve all by myself. We have written and argued ourselves into a corner.  We have established ourselves a sub-culture that is impenetrable by the common person who is interested in the Christian Worldview. Separate music, books, language, and identity all make the lifestyle of Christianity very confusing to anyone who is not part of the "in" crowd. 

Why? Why are we so different? Why do we think this is a good idea? We have separated ourselves from the very people we are supposed to love and minister to. I think it is because pf our rejection of anything that has the remote taste of the world on it. Now I am not saying that Christians should be one with the world. (Rom. 12:1-2) But i do think that we need to interact with the world on a more personal basis. 

For example, The Da Vinci code was a best selling novel for countless weeks all over the country and the world. It is estimated that over 45 million people have read it. Now I am just spit balling here...but don't you think that if we are ministering to people we should identify with people on that level? Common people are going to have question about the novel, and if we have not read it how are we supposed to answer those questions? 

I think that we as Christians are hurting ourselves in the long run by separating ourselves so much from the world. We need to interact with pop-culture in order to better reach the people who are lost in it. 

What I Believe or The Other Side of The Coin.

     A lot of people are going to be upset with this adventure that I am starting. I think that this blog is a long time coming, it is more personal than anything. I am not going to be one of those guys that is going to weep about his feelings online, but some things may get emotional. 

When I say emotional, people automatically think I mean sad. But no, i want it to make you angry. I want people to read this and think "that guys a dick...". It is going to be very sarcastic, it may be upsetting, but it is what i think and feel.

If you have a problem with me I would love to hear about it. Think of this as an open forum. I want people to lay their views out on the table so we can talk about and discuss them in a respectable manner. I have my opinions, and the beauty of the Internet is that I can share them without any immediate consequences. 

So lets go...