Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Truth

What is more important in this world than the truth? Tell me this is not more factual than when you are on the receiving side of a lie...

The truth matters in the universe. This is why I do not understand people who say that there is no truth. Well obviously that statement is contradictory because they imply that that statement is true. Right? If everything is meaningless, then what I have said is meaningless, then in essence I have said nothing at all. Right?

It is amazing how much the truth matters in our everyday lives. 

Always search for the truth in whatever you do. It is the most powerful weapon on earth.

-B out


Molly said...

your words really get me thinking.. to me the truth is so valuable, so important, and so fragile. but even more so, the truth is frightening. i wish i had the kind of strength it takes to recognize the truth when it slaps me in the face.

Anonymous said...

Its kinda funny i read this today because i heard something today that went a little like this. "The first step to betrayal is trust." its a little synical but in any case... the first step to trust is truth. and if the truth is fragile than trust is ever more so. cause really how can something build of something so fragile have any more integrity. all you can do is trust because there is no real prevention of betrayal. i intentionaly excluded the obvious "dont trust" option because lack of trust is dangerous. without trust you hurt yourself and those that want your trust. but really betrayal is only preventable if both parties are working towards trust. and you can only ever really garuantee your own trust anothers intentions are never perfectly clear. im kinda rambling partly because im trying to say something but dont know how to say it and am hoping it will just happen and partly cause im tired... anyway bare with me while a take my shots in the dark... but neway, those who withhold their trust never really understand how much they hurt the people that want it. and really you think you might be doing them a favor or something but trust is needed by everyone. im a firm beleiver in that without trust most people would go insane and those i know without it already are. i agree you should seek trust always but trust is a two person deal so i propose to add that you should seek trustworthy people also to avoid that weapon turning on you... wow i kinda feel bad i rambled that long just to say that... maybe you got more outa that than me... i hope so neway. :) -Ponderingthoughts

Anonymous said...

Jesus... i just realized how much i really wrote and i feel i should apologize... wow XD -Ponderingthoughts