Tuesday, April 1, 2008

living forward or living backwards

I had a thought. I got to thinking to day about memory, and how strange the past feels in the present. What makes memory such a tangible thing? Think about a vivid memory. Can you still taste it, smell it, or feel the emotions you had attached to it? I can. 

I wonder why we are engrained with memories. Why they stick with us for as long as they do. I look at events and situations in my life and wonder how i got here from there. When things happened and you thought that it was the best thing that ever happened, but yet they always end. I am not complaining, it is necessary for things to come to an end. It is the natural created order of things. Everything that happens, happens in the direction of an end. We can try to alter our paths in life, but regardless we will end up in the same place and wonder where the time went. 

So why not instead of dreaming of going to the past, you try to make the future better? Why not focus on the here and now. There is no such thing as an ordinary moment, there is always something going on. Find it, seek it out, drink it up. Make today the best day of your life. Because no one should regret anything. Find the little nuggets of joy in your life and exploit them. I am eating a pint of ice cream right now(no homo) because it is what I want most in the world. In 3 days I will get to kiss my girlfriend for the first time in 3 weeks. And I am going to take that moment and run with it. So live it up, because we are never guaranteed tomorrow


"This is the dance for all the lovers, takin a chance for one another. Finally its our time now. These are times we'll remember, breakin the city sigh together. Finally it's our time now."
-Plain White Tees

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