Friday, April 18, 2008

The Monotony of Routine OR WHy restaurants are Werid Places

I am sitting in a coffee shop in downtown Williamsburg at 1230 in the afternoon while my gal is in class. I love not having classes on fridays. I am on my macbook and listening to music watching all the students and tourists come and go. It is actually kind of amazing how so many people can come and go without ever stopping to interact with one another. It bottles my mind (yes things are so crazy your thoughts are trapped in a bottle) how obsessed people can become with the routine of everyday life. People want everything on the fly and they don't care what the cost. I was cut in line when I got here by a lady and her daughter, they thought they needed their lunch at such a speed that I was not even in their minds. But at the same time it is not something one should get worked up over. 

I think that is true about alot of things about life. People honk the horns of their cars at me when I am moving to slow in the fast lane. Don't worry, your latte at Starbucks will be there when you get there. There is no need to almost run me off the road to get to it faster. But there is no need for me to get pissed and almost cause an accident. Life is way to fragile and beautiful to worry about stuff like that.

I wonder if those people even know that they are alive, or if they are so consumed with their schedules that they forget to live. A man much smarter than me once said that "the Journey is what matters, not the destination." The end will come, don't you worry, but the journey is what really builds character and makes a person a living, breathing human being.

If we constantly run through life we forget to experience it. And that can be the greatest tragedy of our time. 

And seriously...Restaurants? I have never understood them. We pay people to fix our food. we OVERPAY people to fix food for us. I am pretty sure i can make the exact thing at home without having to pay anyone...i simply have to buy the ingredients. What makes a sandwich from Panera so much better than the one I can fix at my house for so much less? Again, Mind Bottleing.

"Slow down everyone, you're moving to fast. Frames cant catch you when you're moving like that"-Jack Johnson

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