Sunday, April 6, 2008

No experience Necessary to Live OR Check your Life at the Door.

When I was growing up I would hear a lot of people tell me about their mistakes, in order to try and prevent me from making them. I found that no matter how hard they tried, i would always make the mistake in the end.  But I do not think this is necessarily a bad thing. 

Mistakes are one of the best learning and growing tools in the world. If we always did everything perfectly life would be pretty boring in my opinion. 

But I want to try and take this a step further. What happened to the idea of college and university that I had growing up? I wanted to go to college to learn who i was, not to be told who I am.  I know it is a cliche to say, but it does seem like we pay $80,000 for a handshake and a piece of paper saying we are proficient in some field. Some field that is practical. But what I want is a degree that says I am proficient in an ideological field. I want to be asked the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?", except on a level that is useful to a 21 year old. Why can't I get a degree in something I am interested in and still have it lead to a good job?

I think that we should be able to live for ourselves. I want to think for myself. I no longer want people to tell me how to think and feel in different situations. I don't want to read self-help books. It seems we check our individuality at the door when we sign up for life. We conform to a dimension that society wants us to. What happened to free thinkers? I want to make mistakes and get hurt, and then grow because of it. 

I want to have my own experiences, and try to understand yours as well. Shake hands and meet different people who don't see eye to eye with me, and try to understand the context of their lives instead of being self absorbed in my own.

Yes I know this post was scattered in thought, and probably a little hard to follow. But get what you can out of it.  Ill see ya.


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